The Flat Stanley Project


Our first grade class read Flat Stanley  by Jeff Brown.  We made our own Flat Stanley's.  Some of the girls chose to make a Flat Stacey instead (so they could do girl stuff).  We designed their faces, clothes, and hair so that each one was uniquely ours.


After we made our own Flat Stanley's, we took them everywhere with us for one week.  We kept a  journal, which we used to record our daily activities with our flat friends.

Here is a Flat Stanley helping one of our classmates with her homework.

After a fun filled week, we mailed our Flat Stanley's to family and friends.  We had two months to see how many places we could "visit".  We learned so much!   These are just a few of the places our Stanley's visited! 

New York click to see a journal from New York!       Washington D.C.        Texas        California                Florida        Arizona    England        Ireland        New Zealand        Montana         Washington        Pennsylvania        British Columbia      Minnesota